"I Don’t Hate America Just Because I Need It To Change”

9” X 12” mixed media on paper.

I created this piece in the tumult of 2019, thinking about when Americans who demand progressive change and racial justice are accused of “hating America”.

It is the opposite. Knowing that America is better than this, could be better than this, we rise together in solidarity, sharing our voices.

Trying to reveal that we, too, are the fabric of America and we want it to be its best self.

I also chose this image of an American Jew of color praying, because often times the racism in the Jewish world also doesn’t acknowledge that Jews of color and black Jews especially belong, that they have just an integral place and voice within our faith. That we need to listen to their voices. Also, it’s an image of the wonderful @therealmanishtana Shais Rishon, an American Jew who is a strong voice in the social justice world.

We join together, we pray to the One Above, digging into our deep, deep love and hope for what this country could be.