Turn It And Turn It

Turn It And Turn It Turn It And Turn It Turn It And Turn It Turn It And Turn It Turn It And Turn It Turn It And Turn It Turn It And Turn It Turn It And Turn It Turn It And Turn It Turn It And Turn It Turn It And Turn It Turn It And Turn It Turn It And Turn It
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Turn It And Turn It
from $55.00

Inspired by this quote from the Rav:

I start the shiur, I don't know what the conclusion will be…

Some lived, some of the visitors lived in the 11th century, some in the 12th century, some in the 13th century, some lived in antiquity- Rebbe Akiva, Rashi, Rabbeinu Tam, the Ra'avad, the Rashba, more and more come in, come in, come in.  

Of course, what do I do? I introduce them to my pupils and the dialogue commences. 

The Rambam says something, the Ra'avad disagrees; and sometimes he's very nasty. Very sharp, harsh language he uses against the Rambam. A boy jumps up to defend the Rambam against the Ra'avad, and the boy is fresh- you know how young boys are fresh- so the language he uses is improper, he uses improper language. So, I correct him. And another jumps up with a new idea; the Rashba smiles gently. I try to analyze what the young boy meant, another boy intervenes, we call upon the Rabbeinu Tam to express his opinion, and suddenly a symposium of generations comes into existence. 

We all speak one language… We all chat, we all laugh, we all enjoy the company, and we all pursue one goal; we all are committed to a common vision…There is mesorah collegiality, friendship, comradeship between old and young, between antiquity middle-ages and modern times…

This unity of generations, this march of centuries, this conversation of generations, this dialogue between antiquity and present will finally bring the redemption of the Jew. 

…We belong to the same Mesorah community, where generations meet. Where hands, no matter how wrinkled and parchment dry one hand is and how soft and wan the other hand is, shake, unite, and in a community where the great dialogue continues…

-The Rav